Articles Tagged With:
Social Isolation Can Raise Dementia Risk
These patients exhibited lower volume in brain gray matter in various regions associated with learning and thinking.
Poor Sleep Quality Could Exacerbate COPD
Researchers believe understanding sleep patterns might be a better predictor of flare-ups than smoking history.
A Review of Venomous Snakebites and Scorpion Stings
Although not a common problem, the knowledge and ability to manage venomous snakebites and scorpion stings is an essential component of the emergency medicine physician’s armamentarium.
Financial Conflicts of Interest Are Major Contributor to Academic Success
Reporting many conflicts with drug companies correlated well with publishing more papers and publishing more high-impact research. Those are key metrics for success and promotion for university-based researchers. The report findings suggest relationships with the pharmaceutical industry also are the key to a successful career for some cancer researchers.
When Machine Learning Tools Are Used to Predict Suicide Risk
As advanced as these tools can be, they are prone to producing high rates of false-positives and false-negatives. Thus, these tools cannot be the only way that risk is evaluated, and should be paired with psychometrically sound risk assessment and strong clinical judgment.
Researchers Need a Plan to Monitor Participants’ Mental Health Risks
Consider the characteristics of the trial and study population to determine the likelihood and magnitude of risks that may emerge. Identify triggers, thresholds, and responsibilities for action in response to risk-signaling data. Also, consider appropriate response mechanisms and capabilities, along with data privacy-related concerns.
Participant Protection Is IRB’s Mission, but Difficult to Measure
It is possible to examine if IRBs advise researchers appropriately regarding reducing risks. Consider the types of questions and requests the IRB has in response to the risks in a particular research protocol.
Variation in Ethical Justification of Randomized Clinical Trials
Ideally, when a researcher presents a randomized clinical trial to an ethics board (and to study participants), the term “equipoise” is defined explicitly. This ensures both the study investigator and the IRB mean the same thing when they say the randomization of patients is ethically justified.
Researchers Offer Definition of Teach-Back for Surgical Informed Consent
Shared-decision making in the informed consent process may be enhanced by implementing teach-back in preoperative discussions.
Ethical Concerns Persist with Speculative Cell Banking
Clinicians are facing questions from some patients about speculative cell banking. Researchers recently published a paper intended to be a resource to prepare clinicians in all fields to discuss the limitations of gene cell therapy with their patients. They also hope they have created a resource for the general public.